Immaterial Zone, The Sphere
In 2015, Isabella collaborated with the Italian art duo Immaterial Zone in their transnational project, The Sphere. Isabella hosted the art object in Brazil, where he incorporated it into performances dealing with the malleable nature of gender and sexuality.
“El género y la sexualidad son como la esfera, no se limitan a un sexo, y sin ningún borde que marque donde un lado se detiene y el otro comienza.”
Gender and sexuality are like the sphere - borderless. Edgeless. Faceless. There is no innate distinction as to where one side stops and the other begins.
“Las esferas se transforman y pueden transformarnos.”
Spheres transform, and they can transform us.
A Long Last Name
In 2020, Isabella worked with Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya, artist-in-residence with the NYC Commission on Human Rights and creator of the public art campaign We Are More, to help execute her mural, Enigma, in Downtown Brooklyn. The mural celebrates women and non-binary people in STEM.
Click here for more information on Amanda’s important work.